We are eager to announce that for the first time, we will be showcasing our Framed collection at the 60th edition of Salone del Mobile.Milano, which takes place from the 7th of June until the 12th in Milan, Italy. You can discover our Framed collection at the booth of our partner Luxy.

Framed is to be shown in relation to the “Sit down to have an idea’’ art project by the artist Andrea Bianconi, which is portrayed on the Luxy chair collections Biga and Italia. The project explores and reinterprets the role and nature of the chair in a provocative way through new aesthetic languages.

(Credit photo: Interni magazine & Luxy)

Join us in hall 10, booth B04, with as hosts Fabrizio Vagliasindi, a professor in Digital Arts at IULM University and Claudia Campone, who is the founder of the Design firm ThirtyOne. They will be guiding you through the project's concept and showing you how our Framed collection relates to it.